The cultural cleansing
"We have to act, we don't have time to lose because
extremists are trying to erase the identity, because they know that if there is
no identity, there is no memory, there is no history, and we think this is
appalling and this is not acceptable,"
UNESCO's director-general Irina Bokova stated emphatically.
Oh, wait. Slavery
prospered under the Stars and Stripes.
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
“Either [the minority groups] conform to [the Islamic
State's] views of religion or belief or they have to disappear. I don't
remember anything like that in contemporary history. This is a way to destroy identity. You deprive them of their
culture, you deprive them of their history, their heritage, and that is why it
goes hand in hand with genocide. Along with the physical persecution, they want
to eliminate—to delete—the memory of these different cultures," she added.
Bokova made these comments
over a year ago as she described Isis tactics as the terrorists took over a
northern town in Iraq.
She could've been talking about the Yankee actions in South
Carolina and across the nation this week as they all demanded the Confederate
flag be shredded and buried for good.
Joining the fray were national corporations, like Wal Mart, Sears,
Google, eBay, and Amazon. They all have
decided to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise. In response, a handful of US flag makers
announced they would no longer produce the
Confederate flag. Even the iconic southern
band, Lynyrd Skynrd, has distanced
itself from the Confederate flag.
A hundred and fifty years after the end of the war, the
cultural cleansing of anything Confederate has reached what appears to be the
final solution.
Yes, slavery prospered under the Confederate flag.
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Which flag represents oppression and racism? We suspect the answer depends on whom you ask |
Even Thomas Jefferson, who owned
over 600 slaves in his lifetime, recognized that his words he wrote in the
Declaration of Independence - "all men are created equal" - meant our
nation would need to deal with the issue
of slavery. Likening slavery to holding
a wolf by the ears, he said, ..."we can neither hold him, nor safely let
him go.” For Jefferson, our newly
formed nation of democracy was two nations that would only be united as one
through a bloody conflict to resolve the issue of slavery.
Yes, slavery was preserved under the Confederate flag.
Oh wait. Slavery was
preserved under the Stars and Stripes.
In the few decades leading up to the Civil War, the federal
government took it upon themselves to decide which new states entering the
Union would be free states and which would be slave states. Many complex issues were at play, but the timeline clearly
shows the issue of slave state versus free state was nothing more than a power
play between the industrialized northern states that didn't rely on slave labor
and the agricultural southern states that did. The southern states felt very strongly that each new state
coming into the Union had the right to decide for themselves whether they would
legalize slavery or not. The decision
was not up to the folks in DC to make.
Yes, prejudice and racism were promoted under the Confederate
flag after the Civil War ended.
Oh wait. Prejudice
and racism were promoted under the Stars and Stripes.
For almost a hundred years after the end of the Civil War,
Jim Crow laws were enacted and enforced throughout the country. The concept of "separate but equal"
was upheld by the US Supreme Court time and time again.
Yes, under the Confederate flag, Black people were less than
White people.
Oh wait. The
three-fifths compromise was under the Stars and Stripes where the North and
South agreed that Black people were equivalent to three-fifths of a White
When it comes to the issue of slavery and our treatment of
Black people after the end of the Civil War, our attention invariably focuses on
the South. They are the racists. They even went to war to preserve their
racist views.
Of course, the astute student of history would be quick to
point out that the image of the "racist South" was promulgated by a
resentful North, who shared the same views of Blacks as the South, but refused
to acknowledge.
Yes, the Civil War was started under the Stars and
Stripes. The Confederate flag emerged
only as a symbol of rebellion against what the Stars and Stripes was coming to
represent - a strong, centralized power in DC that no longer served the people,
but, instead, ruled the people.
When the Civil War ended, Americans, and our newly found
centralized power of government in DC, had the opportunity to reconstruct the
South and integrate them back into the Union to make us stronger and better
than ever before. The Yankees and the
general public had other ideas. They
punished the South instead.
Just as the Yankees treated Black people since the founding
of this country, so they treated, and continue to treat, Southerners. Southerners are toothless, banjo playing
hillbillies with the sense God gave an oyster.
With the Southern leadership decimated and humiliated, no
one was left to protect the integrity of the Confederate flag. The KKK was probably the first hate group to
adopt the flag as its symbol, but no one in the South dared yank the flag from
them. The Yankees pressed their thumbs
so dang hard down on the Southerners, any show of support for the Confederate
flag was deemed treasonous.
No, not deemed treasonous by law, but implied by
actions. The Yankees came down hard on
Southerners, stripping them of their wealth and pride. Influential Southerners who could've made a
difference in our attitudes toward the Confederate flag and protect its
integrity instead chose to fade into the background and play the Yankee tune.
The average Confederate soldier did not fight under the
Confederate flag to preserve slavery born out of some "inbred" belief
that Blacks were inferior. They fought
because they didn't like the idea that the powers that be in DC felt they could
dictate to the states what the states could and could not do beyond the scope
listed in the Constitution.
The average Union soldier did not fight to free the slaves because of the lofty ideal that people shouldn't be held in bondage. They fought because the fragile new nation had to be held together if they were ever to succeed as a nation.
The average Union soldier did not fight to free the slaves because of the lofty ideal that people shouldn't be held in bondage. They fought because the fragile new nation had to be held together if they were ever to succeed as a nation.
A hundred and fifty years after the end of the Civil War,
the Yankees are finally erasing any residual images of the Southern
rebellion. By erasing those images,
they cement their power over the general populace, a power the Confederate
soldiers fought against.
Under the Stars and Stripes, we have a Black child in Ohio
gunned down by the police for carrying a toy gun and a Black man in NYC
suffocated for selling untaxed cigarettes.
In Baltimore,
we seen a city burn - not because a Black man died at the hands of the
government, but because of fifty plus years of discriminatory policies in
housing and employment combined with economic discrimination.
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These soldiers served honorably and should not be forgotten. As Thomas Jefferson predicted, they helped shape the future of this country. |
Under the Confederate flag, many men died honorably. The fight was over an ever increasing,
overbearing power in DC. At the time,
the trigger was over DC folks deciding which states would be free states and
which wouldn't. The decisions had
nothing to do with right or wrong and everything to do with money and power,
money and power centralized for the most benefit to those in DC.
There were no good guys from the north riding in on white
horse to free the oppressed from the bad guys in the south riding mules
defending their right to oppress. The
Civil War was about the good guys from the North wanting to preserve a nation
that dared built itself on a premise never considered - government of the
people, by the people, and for the people - and the good guys from the South
wanting to preserve a nation from the corruption of a powerful, centralized
federal government that threatened those basic principles.
The South didn't lose the war as long as the Confederate
flag flew. The Confederate soldiers
didn't lose their honor as patriots of this country as long as the Confederate
flag flew.
Now that the Confederate flag has been shredded and buried
over one boy's sociopathic anger, where do we go from here?
Oh yeah, got it.
Let's look to ISIS for lessons on how to erase the
past. Erasing the past is a heck of a
lot easier than understanding it.
Related Link:
A month's journey circles back to the Talbot County Commisioners
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
NAACP and Mr. Potter fighting to tear down the Vietnam War Memorial
Only time will reveal the true motives of Talbot Boys detractors
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
No to trash-talking our veterans
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
The insolence of youth
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
Related Link:
A month's journey circles back to the Talbot County Commisioners
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
NAACP and Mr. Potter fighting to tear down the Vietnam War Memorial
Only time will reveal the true motives of Talbot Boys detractors
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
No to trash-talking our veterans
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
The insolence of youth
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
For your listening pleasure:
Yeah, I'm going to make you read because Lincoln wasn't
around during the digital age to make a YouTube video.
FOURSCORE and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on
this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether
that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a
great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that
field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that
nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot
consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never
forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly
advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining
before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause
for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly
resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
-President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, Nov 9, 1863
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
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