Only time will reveal the true motives of Talbot Boys detractors
The flames of anger that drove many to tear down the
Confederate flag flying over the SC capitol quickly fanned out, engulfing
anything and everything Confederate.
The Talbot Boys Memorial in Easton, MD is only one of many
battles fought across the state and across the nation to erase anything
Confederate from our landscape and our vernacular.
It started as one man's complaint because he felt a need to "move his generation forward", code words for "I want my fifteen minutes of fame." Many others, mostly outsiders suffering from White guilt, jumped on the bandwagon hoping for their fifteen minutes of fame.
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
The Talbot County Council voted to keep the Talbot Boys
Memorial honoring our Confederate soldiers right where it is and provided for
the building of an additional monument to honor our Union soldiers who fought
brother against brother. Without rehashing all that I have already
written, my eight articles linked at the end of this one build the case our boys fought
to protect their homes and communities from an increasingly aggressive federal
force and most likely never considered slavery as a driving reason to join the
The New Yankees fighting the battles to purge anything Confederate today really aren't that different from the Old Yankees who fought the Civil War and then engaged in "reconstruction" after the War. Astute history students will be quick to note that after the War, the Yankees did everything in their power to punish the South. Rebuilding efforts were slow in coming and the emerging stereotype of the racist, dumb hillbilly came to be the standard all Southerners were judged by and are still judged by today.
The New Yankees fighting the battles to purge anything Confederate today really aren't that different from the Old Yankees who fought the Civil War and then engaged in "reconstruction" after the War. Astute history students will be quick to note that after the War, the Yankees did everything in their power to punish the South. Rebuilding efforts were slow in coming and the emerging stereotype of the racist, dumb hillbilly came to be the standard all Southerners were judged by and are still judged by today.
The Old Yankees punished the South. The New Yankees continue whipping the
southern boys. Today's technology has
proven to be a very powerful whip.
Facts don't need to be known.
Pop cultural rhetoric backed by five minutes of Google research is all
that's needed to banish those southern boys to oblivion.
First, let's look at the key players in the Talbot Boys
Memorial Battle:
- Star Democrat, local paper decidedly in favor of removing the Talbot Boys Monument
- Richard Potter, president of the NAACP of Talbot County, MD
- Rev. Joel Johnson, Talbot Association of Clergy and Laity
- Dominic Terrone, writer and guest columnist for Star Democrat
- Rabbi Peter Hyman, spiritual leader of Temple B'nai Israel
![]() |
Instead of tearing down 100-year-old memorials, how about tearing down your walls that appear to be blocking minorities from holding high positions? The Star Democrat |
- Star Democrat - decidedly White with no Black person to mention
- Johnson, Terrone, and Hyman - all White and not native Delmarvans, not even native Marylanders
- Potter - the only Black person and of the Millennial Generation
Valid thought. So
take a look at the last public meeting
before the county council made their decision on the fate of the Talbot
Boys. Hands down, that is a White boys
Mr. Potter fired up the White community, but failed to fire
up the Black community. One can't help
but look out at the audience and ask him/herself, "Where are all the
outraged Black people fighting to tear down the Talbot Boys?" Mr. Potter walked in behind seven Black
people arriving late as if he were with them and, in the limited view of the
audience, I counted six additional Black people attending. If the Talbot Boys were as incendiary a
monument as proclaimed by Mr. Potter and others, one would expect a room full
of mostly Black people demanding the "insult" known as the Talbot
Boys be taken down. Instead, half of
the handful of Black attendees appeared to be supporters of Mr. Potter and most
likely acquaintances in his social circles.
We had a lot of outraged White people. Rabbi Hyman even cussed out an audience
member. In the heavily edited video
linked above, you can hear him at around the 1:08:00 mark, but what the video
doesn't show is the sheriff's deputy escorting him out of the building because
of his behavior. It's also important to note that Johnson, Terrone, and the
cussing Hyman are not native to Delmarva.
Until the opening of the Bay Bridge eighty-seven years after the end of the Civil War, Delmarva was cut off from the rest of Maryland. Eastern Shoremen developed a strong sense of independence over almost two hundred years before the start of the Civil War. For anyone not born and raised on Delmarva to state unequivocally that the Talbot County residents fought the Civil War to preserve slavery is ignorance, at best, and an outright lie, at worst. Outsiders never do grasp the concept of the fierce independence and defiance in our watermen and farmers no matter how long they live on the Shore among them.
Until the opening of the Bay Bridge eighty-seven years after the end of the Civil War, Delmarva was cut off from the rest of Maryland. Eastern Shoremen developed a strong sense of independence over almost two hundred years before the start of the Civil War. For anyone not born and raised on Delmarva to state unequivocally that the Talbot County residents fought the Civil War to preserve slavery is ignorance, at best, and an outright lie, at worst. Outsiders never do grasp the concept of the fierce independence and defiance in our watermen and farmers no matter how long they live on the Shore among them.
That said, Talbot County didn't have an oppressed, outraged
Black community demanding the removal of a perceived monument of
oppression. What Talbot County had was
one young, Millennial, who is also Black, jumping on the Great Confederate
Purge bandwagon in hopes of gaining his fifteen minutes of fame. If that assessment sounds harsh, then
perhaps his own words will convince you his
motives were purely selfish. Not once
does he claim that people of the community wanted him to do something about the
Talbot Boys. No. He claims that he wanted to "move his
generation forward" and he stumbled on this memorial that he decided
needed to be removed.
Once Mr. Potter found how he could "move his generation
forward," he lodged his complaint and, maybe to his surprise, a bunch of
White people suffering from "White guilt" took up his cause. Nothing in the public meeting suggests anything
other than a bunch of White people debating their heritage versus the evils of
slavery we all should feel ashamed of.
The Black voice of Talbot County, other than Mr. Potter's and his
friends', were conspicuously missing.
After all the turmoil, the Talbot County commissioners ruled
that the Talbot Boys should remain because the memorial honored veterans, honorable
veterans as decreed by our federal government.
The council graciously offered the opportunity for the whole story to be told
by permitting a comparable monument to be erected honoring the Talbot boys who
fought for the Union army.
This is where Mr. Potter and all those White guilt
supporters had the opportunity to build a community instead of dividing it.
They could've formed a nonprofit or some sort of community effort to
begin raising money for a new monument.
Easton could've hosted a grand ceremony unveiling the new Talbot Boys
Union Memorial sitting next to the Confederate memorial with Frederick Douglass
presiding over the whole grounds.
Instead, Mr. Potter has decided to pursue more aggressive
actions against the county commissioners while the White guilt supporters
remain in the background. The impulsive,
reactionary response of Mr. Potter amounts to a subtle accusation that the
commissioners may have violated rules
in reaching a decision he disagrees with.
At this point, we all have to ask just what is this monument
dispute really about?
It started as one man's complaint because he felt a need to "move his generation forward", code words for "I want my fifteen minutes of fame." Many others, mostly outsiders suffering from White guilt, jumped on the bandwagon hoping for their fifteen minutes of fame.
None looked at the history of Talbot County, its people, its
heritage, its culture, and none proposed how to make it all tell the real
story. If any were truly interested in
building a community and telling the whole story of the Civil War, as Mr.
Potter and others claim to be doing, they wouldn't be doing their dangdest to
tear it apart by destroying Talbot's history.
The outsiders wouldn't ignore the fierce independent nature inherent in
native Eastern Shoremen and apply pop culture, revisionist rhetoric to denigrate
the character of generations past.
I reckon in this day of age where Millennials have been
raised on selfies and everything-is-about-me technology, destroying that which
they had nothing to do with creating is more important towards achieving their
fifteen minutes of fame than is rolling up their sleeves and doing the hard
work of building a better community for tomorrow on the foundations past
generations have built through their blood, sweat, tears, and, sometimes, even
their lives.
Yes, Mr. Potter, Rev. Johnson, Rabbi Hyman, and Mr. Terrone, raising money for a new Union
Memorial to tell the whole story to help bring the community together and heal
old wounds is a lot harder to do than simply tearing a memorial down and
toasting each other for a job well done at social gatherings. It means your fifteen minutes of YouTube
fame and bragging rights will be put on hold for a few years until the work is
done. Will the work be done by you or
by someone else compelled to pick up the pieces you strewn behind?
Related Links:
A month's journey circles back to the Talbot County Commisioners
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
A month's journey circles back to the Talbot County Commisioners
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
NAACP and Mr. Potter fighting to tear down the Vietnam War Memorial
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
No to trash-talking our veterans
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
The insolence of youth
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
The cultural cleansing
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
The insolence of youth
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
The cultural cleansing
For your listening pleasure:
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
I think most reading these comments, unless they are from the shore, will not understand the difference between this particular memorial in Talbot County, and the "Rebel Flag" (which is actually not the Confederate Flag, and ought to be the only target under any reasonable argument regarding the historical significance vs. racist symbolism at issue). One thing most won't understand is the different culture and economic structure of Delmarva areas like Talbot County (where slavery was not a major concern to economic stability)compared to the deep Southern States (which did, indeed, attempt to secede primarily due to the Abolitionist's movement and perceived infringements on the State's rights to slave ownership). There is little argument that secession, which prompted the war, was primarily about the Confederate States' desire to maintain slavery - though individuals fighting the war ranged from those like the Talbot Boys who cared little about slavery and more about general State's rights, to others who understood and fought because abolishment of slavery threatened their economy. Also, the particular Confederate Flag that most want to see taken down is different than this and other memorials, because it isn't even the true Confederate Flag - it is the "Rebel Flag," never an official flag of the Confederacy. It was flown by some Confederate army units, including Robert E. Lee's. It has been historically used as a symbol of racism and racist oppression, with a resurgence in the 1950's at the start of the civil rights' movement, flown by the "Dixiecrats" who fought against civil rights. And, of course, used by the KKK. So your Talbot County Memorial is distinctly different - though I see from your other posts that you 5 Drunk Rednecks seem to just as fervently argue against removal of The Rebel Flag, too.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your well thought out reply. I'd like to clarify one point, though. I don't argue against the removal of the Rebel flag. I argue against the nationalism driving the fervor to purge anything Confederate, including the flag. The people of SC needed to decide the issue of the flag over their Capitol, not Amazon and eBay nor a guy writing an anonymous blog.