The insolence of youth
Ahh, to be young again.
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
The exuberance.
The idealism.
Seems like just yesterday, you were ready to set the world
on fire. Today - thirty years, where
did they go?
Aches, pain, and general tiredness that comes with aging has
tempered your youthful exuberance.
Cynicism - sometimes (ok, often times) confused with wisdom - has
corroded your idealism. The spark that
would've set the world on fire fizzled out decades ago. In short: life got in the way and what was
once important grew trivial as the years passed.
But there's still the legacy you will leave behind to
Now that's a tricky word - legacy. What is it?
Most people don't think about their legacy until they are
old and know they only have a few years left on this earth. Unless one has a lot of money to buy a
charitable foundation in their name, it's too late to build your legacy. You built your legacy all through your life
and even a named charity won't change the legacy you built.
Legacies are defined by those who live on past your parting
this world and not defined by you.
Sometimes, their judgment of the value of the legacy you left behind can
be opposite of what you were living and thought you were leaving behind. Hindsight can be a harsh judge.
And that brings us to the Talbot Boys.
One young, exuberant, idealistic young man has decided that
85 young men from Talbot County fought on the Confederate side of the Civil War
because they were "traitors fighting to preserve slavery." The historical data doesn't back up his
claim, but that won't stop him from destroying the legacy those 85 young men
fought and died for.
What has put Richard Potter, president of the NAACP of
Talbot County, MD on the warpath against these honorable veterans of a hundred
and fifty years ago?
Wait a minute. Did I
say "honorable veterans"?
Yes, I did.
Rightfully so, our nation decided, albeit in the usual roundabout way,
Confederate soldiers were honorable veterans.
It's convoluted, like everything the government does, but Confederate
soldiers were given the same honors as any other veteran.
I won't be so presumptuous as to pretend I know what
society's mentality of 155 years ago was nor what any single individual's
thoughts of that time frame were. I can
connect dots and fairly confidently say what they weren't. Confederates didn't fight to preserve
slavery. Yankees didn't fight to free
I don't know why the Talbot Boys chose to fight for the
Confederates. Despite Mr. Potter's bold
claim that they fought to "preserve slavery", historical evidence
suggests otherwise. In fact, I will go
so far as to challenge Mr. Potter to produce one bit of evidence that at least
one of the Talbot Boys fought to "preserve slavery."
A century and a half ago, the average young man
from rural areas had a fourth grade education, a fact reflected by poor
spelling and grammar in the many letters of soldiers, both Union and
Confederate. Despite the poor spelling and grammar, one
can gain a sense of life for a soldier in that time era.
![]() |
A Confederate soldier's letter |
Surprisingly, there is very little written in the way of
political motives and opinion of the letter writer. Most letters are mundane expressions of every day life as a soldier,
health updates, longings for home, and love letters to wives or
girlfriends. There are, however,
occasional glimpses that contradict the current pop rhetoric concerning the
Civil War:
“If I had thought that I was coming out to fight for the nigger, I would have been the last one to come out, and plenty more besides me,” wrote Friel, a Union soldier, to his parents in 1863.
“If I had thought that I was coming out to fight for the nigger, I would have been the last one to come out, and plenty more besides me,” wrote Friel, a Union soldier, to his parents in 1863.
It is important to note that Friel wrote those words two
years into the War, in the year Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, a
signal that the War might end with the freeing of the slaves. Since the Emancipation Proclamation only
freed slaves in the Confederate states, it can be argued that Lincoln signed it
into law only to encourage Southern slaves to flee their bondage and join the
Union army, a move many Northerners did not like and even resented.
Another gem of a letter was written by an unknown mother in
1861 in which she expresses her
fears over her son joining the army.
While it is unclear which army she is talking about, from the context of
the rest of the letter her son must have been contemplating joining the
Confederacy. She very clearly defined
what she felt the causes of the War were:
"I never had any taste for war - indeed have always had a most unmitigated horror of it as an evil worse than pestilence or famile [famine?] - but, it is a more obvious fact that this war has been forced upon us by a most unrelenting bitter and arrogant despotism - I must meet it as other mothers are compelled to meet it."
"I never had any taste for war - indeed have always had a most unmitigated horror of it as an evil worse than pestilence or famile [famine?] - but, it is a more obvious fact that this war has been forced upon us by a most unrelenting bitter and arrogant despotism - I must meet it as other mothers are compelled to meet it."
Googling "Civil War letters" yields a wealth of
information and a better insight to the mindset of that era than the current
pop rhetoric of today offers. I
encourage Mr. Potter and every reader of this article to spend some time
reading the letters of those who lived the time frame. Both Union and Confederate, they were real
Americans living and dying for beliefs that shaped our nation as we know it
In an attempt to build his own legacy (to use his own
words), Mr. Potter has chosen to destroy the legacies of 85 young men from generations
past. He wants their legacy
symbolically buried in an old cemetery few, if any, bother to visit any
more. He wants those 85 young men to be
remembered for being traitors and racists and nothing more.
The Eastern Shore residents have always been a fiercely
independent lot. They don't like being
told what to do and have seriously entertained the idea of seceding from the
state of Maryland several times, the last serious consideration
being in 1998.
It is easier to understand how the young men of Talbot
County, with a fourth grade education and their fierce sense of
independence, could have decided to fight for the Confederacy. Decades before the start of the Civil War,
when rumblings of secession first began surfacing, and through the War itself, many
of these young men heard the news through the social media platforms of the
time - the local tavern on Saturday night and Church on Sunday mornings.
No doubt they heard of President Lincoln's illegal actions
in Baltimore to ensure Maryland
stayed with the Union. The mayor of
Baltimore and an ex-governor thrown in prison because they sympathized with the
Confederacy. On the day of an important
vote for Marylanders to decide to stay with the Union or leave, federal troops
arrested any Democrat or perceived Confederate sympathizer to prevent them
from voting. Thirty-one state
legislators were thrown in jail for being Confederate sympathizers. Lincoln even ordered the arrest (although
never carried out) of US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Brook Taney, who
stood up to President Lincoln's arbitrary arresting of Maryland citizens. News of President Lincoln's illegal actions
undoubtedly reached Talbot County's taverns and Church's where the young men of
the time took a firm stand.
Confederate sympathizers weren't die hard slavery
proponents, either. Leaders in favor of
secession from the Union included T. Parkin Scott, an abolitionist who
convinced his own mother to declare her slaves free. Slavery in Maryland was on its way out as its agricultural
practices changed and labor intensive crops like tobacco were scrapped in favor
of the less labor intensive crops of fruits and grains. For most Marylanders, slavery wasn't the
And then there were the door-to-door drafting by the Union
army in Talbot County and the rest of Maryland. While President Lincoln's illegal actions against the citizenry
ensured Maryland remained neutral, its citizens had little choice about the
fighting. They could either be drafted
and fight for the Union, a side many Marylanders were growing more fearful of,
or they could defect to the Virginia side and fight against the increasing
tyranny emanating from DC. Some chose
the latter.
Mr. Potter may believe the older generation has failed him and
his generation, but he would still be wise to look at how he is trying to build his own
legacy. Tearing down the legacy of
past generations on the flimsiest of arguments undoubtedly will lead future idealistic
young people to tear down the legacy of those striving to rid the land of anything
Confederate, including the legacy Mr. Potter believes he is building for
himself today.
Legacies aren't built by destroying the memories and
legacies of past generations in the name of fifteen minutes of YouTube
fame. I agree with you, Mr.
Potter. The courtyard in Talbot County
needs to tell the whole story, not just a small part of it. I disagree, vehemently, with your goal to
remove the Talbot Boys to obscurity.
Tell the whole story, Mr. Potter, not just the part where you deem 85
veterans as nothing more than traitorous racists.
More importantly, let the residents of Talbot County decide
how to tell the story. The decision to
remove the Talbot Boys shouldn't be left in the hands of one man leading the
fight for his own admittedly selfish gain nor to five members of a council who
may or may not fully understand the history and how current residents wish to
preserve and honor that history.
TL;DR folks:
One man in Talbot County, MD has made it his goal to remove a Confederate memorial from the courtyard grounds in Easton. His motives appear to be completely selfish - to build his legacy - and without regard to historical fact or the wishes of other residents of the county.
One man in Talbot County, MD has made it his goal to remove a Confederate memorial from the courtyard grounds in Easton. His motives appear to be completely selfish - to build his legacy - and without regard to historical fact or the wishes of other residents of the county.
Related links:
A month's journey circles back to the Talbot County Commisioners
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
NAACP and Mr. Potter fighting to tear down the Vietnam War Memorial
Only time will reveal the true motives of Talbot Boys detractors
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
No to trash-talking our veterans
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
The cultural cleansing
Maybe Union soldiers aren't welcomed in Talbot County
Why did the NAACP let the Yankees die?
On the road to irrelevancy
NAACP and Mr. Potter fighting to tear down the Vietnam War Memorial
Only time will reveal the true motives of Talbot Boys detractors
Final thoughts on the Talbot Boys
No to trash-talking our veterans
The Great Confederate Purge of 2015
An open letter to Talbot County
The first secession from the United States, 2015
Letter to the House in SC
The cultural cleansing
Hear in his own words why Richard Potter wants to rid Easton of the Talbot Boys
Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
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