Where Did Susan Monday Go?

Since writing Goodbye to WXDE, the owners in Pennsylvania sold the station to Lord knows who and who really cares anyway. I stand by everything I wrote in that article. WXDE has become another divisive talk platform for racists and bigots and nothing more. That's one of the reasons why I don't link the station.
Sumo didn't belong in the new mix. She didn't earn the title of Honorary Drunk Redneck because she fit a mold the station or her listeners wanted her to fit. Did she quit before the station gets any uglier than it has? Was she let go because she was the round peg that didn't fit into the square hole? Did she move on to bigger and better things? Did she decide to retire to the wide open spaces out west?
Using state-of-the-art GPS tracking, my bloodhound found SuMo. Ok, I dug through my old emails and emailed her. A bloodhound was never used nor harmed in the tracking down of SuMo.
SuMo graciously accepted an invitation for an email interview to give her listeners and fans a final "show." I got my revenge on English teachers by submitting a half dozen or so essay questions for her to answer. Like any good student, she tried to go for a phone interview instead, but my shorthand skills are nonexistent and I wanted to make sure she told her story, unedited. She said it wouldn't be until after this weekend before she could answer the questions.
If all goes well, next weekend or possibly the weekend after, our email interview will be published. If you already follow Five Drunk Rednecks, you'll be the first to know when it's published. (Look in the right hand column for different ways to follow Five Drunk Rednecks.)
And I'll give you a teaser to stay tuned. Some of my questions weren't easy ones.
Posted by A Drunk Redneck
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