Find the Black Man

A lot of accusations are flying that Trump is a racist.  Proving someone is a racist when they don't wear white hoods or burn crosses in a minority's yard is a tricky thing to do.  For that reason, I won't call Trump a racist.  So let's play a game - Find the Black Man.

Trump makes the horrible mistake of posting pictures of who he hangs out with as he pretends to be president - a documentary of sorts depicting who we should celebrate other than him.  If he weren't a bigot or racist, we would expect to find a public celebration roughly along the lines of the racial make up of the country.  For Evey 100 White people we see, we should expect to see 16 Hispanics or Latinos (non-bigots and non-racists know the difference), 13 Blacks, 5 Asians, and at least on Native American, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, or Native Pacific Islander.  A truly representative government would, ideally, mirror the racial make up of the country.

We don't live in a perfect world and socioeconomic status certainly skews the statistical expectations.  President Obama did a good job at meeting the diversity expectations.  Trump failed (and still fails) miserably.  In fact, Trump has given a whole new meaning to "white washing the White House."

Don't believe me?  Let's look at his last three-and-a-half months in pictures, pictures he posted and shared on Twitter.  Feel free to count the Black (or brown) men in the pictures, if you can find them.

Note:  All pictures were taken from Trump's Twitter page that he posted between Aug. 1, 2019 through Nov. 16, 2019.  Pictures, as used in this game, are not edited nor altered in anyway and are presented as they appeared on Twitter.

(Click any pic for a larger view)

Game Board 1: Trump's Twitter cover photo

The most prominent and eye catching spot on a Twitter account is the 1500x500 picture at center, top.  That prime spot is the first thing that captures a visitor's attention and speaks volumes about who is behind the account.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, 12th District) stole the picture Trump tweeted to make fun of her and used it on her own Twitter account.  (She has since changed it to an artistic shot of arched windows from inside the Capitol.)  It's clear what she wanted that picture to say.  What do you think Trump's says?  Find the Black man!

Twitter cover pic

 Game Board 2:  Five different cabinet meetings

Here we have five different cabinet meetings with leaders from Egypt, France, India, Germany, and with our own Democrat representatives, the famous finger wagging pic Pelosi stole as her Twitter cover photo.

Democrat meeting

Game Board 3:  Two hero celebrations

Celebrating a children's book author and the St. Lois Blues Stanley Cup win.

Game Board 4:  Public appearances

Out and about in America - Dayton, OH, Florida, and a ball game.  What is interesting about the Dayton pics Trump posted on his Twitter account is six of the nine fatalities in the Dayton shooting were Black.
Dayton, OH


Game Board 5:  Rallies

Surely there has to be plenty of Blacks at Trump's rallies because "Blacks love me," as Trump once claimed.  I found three.  Can you find more?  (Some pics were taken from a different angle at the same rally so you get to see more of the audience.)

At the Dallas airport
Dayton, OH
Fayetteville, NC
Another angle Fayetteville, NC
Second rally at Louisiana
First rally at Lousianna
Overflow crowd at first rally, Lousianna
Minneapolis, MN
Another angle at Minneapolis, MN
Overflow crowd at Manchester, NH
Rio Rancho, NM

Bonus Game Board:  Real or photoshopped?

If you noticed on Game Board 5, I have a pic of the overflow crowd at Trump's Manchester, NH rally.  I don't have a pic inside the rally.  Below is the pic inside the rally.  Your challenge - find the Black man at the rally and decide if he is photoshopped in or real.  I did not alter the pic.  The pic is as posted on Trump's Twitter feed.  I'm going with Trump (or aide) photoshopped the Black man in and wasn't at the rally.

Now that you went through all the game boards, what do you think?  Is Trump a racist or are Black people racist for avoiding Trump?  Yes, some far right pundits would try to argue it's the Black people who are racist.  But let's face it.  Trump is as racist as a White Nationalist comes.

TL;DR Folks
It's a game.  Sort of like coloring books so you should enjoy it.

For your listening pleasure:

Posted by A Drunk Redneck
