Trump and Clinton Handling a National Tragedy

Fortunately for you, the reader, you're getting the TL;DR (too long;didn't read) version.  You see, pictures are worth a thousands words so I'll let the video below tell the story as candidates Trump and Clinton told it today on Twitter.

Ooops, Twitter...what the heck is that?  It's a social media platform where you get to tell your story in 140 characters or less.  Both Trump and Clinton are on Twitter.  They post frequently, usually a small flurry of tweets in the morning followed by a slightly larger flurry in the late afternoon - or at least that was my observed trend over the last two weeks.

Today, they both posted a couple of Tweets this morning.  Trump tweeted that he was postponing his speech in Miami on economic opportunity and a couple of condolence tweets over the tragedy in Dallas.  Clinton tweeted that she would speak this evening in Philadelphia at the AME Church and offered a couple of condolence tweets.

After the last morning tweet by either candidate at 7:32 am, both Twitter accounts were silent for an unprecedented seven hours.  Trump broke the respectful Twitter silence at 2:31 pm which is where the video below picks up.  The video records every tweet each candidate made for the next three and a half hours in the sequence they were posted.  Clinton made the last Tweet at 6:00 pm and as of midnight, no other tweets were posted.  The normal afternoon flurry of tweets dealt solely with the tragedy of the last days of police killing and being killed and the state of race relations in this country.

Tweets are posted in chronological order and no tweet was omitted so you get to decide, based on Twitter presence alone, which candidate has the Presidential stuff in a time of crisis.

In fairness to the candidates, the last two frames of the video show a link to each candidate's short speech on the violence that unfolded over the last couple of days.  If you don't believe Twitter gives either candidate a fair shake, I encourage you to listen to each speech and hear, in their own words, how they assessed the tragedy.

Trump's speech
Clinton's speech

You decide:

(Video link if the embedded video isn't formatting correctly for you.)

Posted by Five Drunk Rednecks
