1870 Church back on the table
Some of you may remember Keith and I tried buying the 1870 Church next to us back in September 2019. Unfortunately, funding issues and COVID19 got in the way. When we came out of lock down, we had secured the funding and reached a deal. Two of the three owners agreed to the deal. The third decided to buy his two partners out and keep the Church.
Over three and a half years later, the owner contacted me to sell the Church. We're in negotiations right now. The owner came up from Florida on Christmas weekend to give me a tour of the Church. It was heartbreaking to see the extent of new damage to the building over the last four years.
Fairmount's local historian and two officials from the Somerset County Historical society accompanied Keith and me on the tour. They had attended the Church back in its hey day. The extent of the deterioration in such a short time since the Church closed its doors for good stunned them. It hasn't even been a full decade since closing.
If there's truth to the old cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words, then the video below should be worth...well, a whole lot more. The short video tour shows just how big the project we might be taking on is.
I'll be honest. I'm the kind of guy that if you put a tool in my hand, I'll use it for everything except what it was designed for. A hammer is a great for fixing computers and killing bugs in the house. Hand Keith a hammer and he would look at you with an expression of "what am I supposed to use this thing for?" I don't think I need to point out that we'll need a lot of help for this project. Please keep that mind as you watch the video.
WARNING: I made this video using Walmart made-in-China cheap equipment. I had to go cheap because I'm trying to buy a Church. You are hearing my unaltered voice. I don't get it because I don't sound anything like what's on the video. I don't speak with an electronic twang as I fade in and out. I really do talk normal. I reckon the twelve buck microphone was designed to translate my voice to a sound a Chinese audience would find pleasing or something. I figured I put that out there before someone points it out in the comments.
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Posted by One Drunk Redneck
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